Kawaii Ninja

Discovering Axel

Recently I wanted to download a custom rom off from the sourceforge page, but the speeds were pathetic. In order to find some sought of fix for this issue, I some how ended up on the acrolinux forum page. Over there someone was suggesting to use axel.

I have never heard of axel before, it was my first time. So, I decided to download the package off from yay and try it out for myself. The man page of axel states that it is a lightweight command line download accelerator.

Compared to aria2, the package size of axel is less, even the help page is not too long as compared to aria2. So, new users would find it easier to go through the available options (for more in-depth details, man page is your friend). The only thing which is missing from the axel is torrent downloading.

Although it didn’t proved to be helpful for my use case, but I ended up downloading some other stuff. The speeds which I was getting were proper ones without any issues. Overall, it’s a really great tool for person like me, who tends to use download links instead of torrent files, thus saving some system space with a lightweight downloader.

This is the Day 3 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round Two)

#100DaysToOffload #Linux